Journal for your mental health. A new weekly challenge.

Why you should journal for your mental health.

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We're heading into the last thirty days of the year! Are you excited? Do you have a plan for how you are going to end the year? If not, you better get started now. DO NOT WAIT until January 1st to change your life. That is just silly. What if on December 28th you died? Stop procrastinating on your future.

If you're not sure how to journal, that's OK. Let me tell you how I do it. I do two types of journaling; one is a bullet point where I just write out simple ideas. These ideas can be anything from goals that I want to achieve or certain thoughs that are on my mind. The other option is to do a free writing exercise. For five minutes I just write whatever comes up. I do this without any sort of judgment and I do it without any kind of game plan. Some people may also refer to this as free writing. I also on occasion do a third style journaling in which I do a visualization practice around what I’ve written. So if I do have a goal or a mission then I write it down and play it back in my head from beginning to end and from into beginning.

There of been many studies over the course the last few decades that show simply writing down our ideas will make them 50% more likely to happen. Doesn't going into 2020 with a 50% higher chance of living your dream sound exciting?

So the challenge is very simple. For the next week every day journal for five minutes. This will help your mental health. One of the best things that adults survivors of child abuse can do is to write. We need the space to get out all the things that are stuck in her head. Not a link and journaling be healing for mental health but I can also be a gateway to creating the change in your life that you want.