Folding your laundry is CPTSD mental self-care


Folding your laundry is a funny meme, but it's about responsibility and ownership of your life. No one is going to make you get your house in order. Realistically no one even cares about your laundry because they are focused on finding that sock that has been missing for three weeks. To have a life that you can proclaim as a fundamentally normative life with promise, prosperity, happiness, joy, and growth, you must fold the clothes. Every day you must put yourself in a position to be successful. That means doing all of the little things that you do not want to do. Doing the things that you don't want to do creates space to do the things that you do want to do.

When you remove the stresses of the menial day to day tasks and create form and function around their completion, then your brain can be focused on things that matter. Steve Jobs wore the same thing every day for a reason because by doing so, his mind could focus on what matters. Who cares what shirt you have on when you're trying to build something meaningful. And that's the point here as well. Get your life in order and stop caring what other people think about it. No one else is going to fold your underwear and put them in the cabinet, so why the hell do you care if they know what kind they are?

The chaos of day to day life can be mitigated in a step as simple as folding your laundry as soon as it comes out of the dryer. Sure, this is simply a funny meme, but the truth is it could change your life if you are willing to be repetitious and stringent and not tangential in the day to day tasks of your life that could be a precursor to everything you will accomplish. How can you build a life of peace when you live in chaos that you have created because you are unwilling to do the small things the right way? Accountability and responsibility are two of the most important words that most adults don't have in their vocabulary. Add them and watch how, over the coming years that your life changes.