How toxic vulnerability is ruining mental health

Michael anthony toxic vulnerability.jpeg

I plan on really extrapolating this idea but here is a start. Society has shifted to people using vulnerability in ways that are not driven in a healthy purpose. Here’s the reality, we all have something that we are dealing with. We all are faced with chaos, loss, suffering, and at times negative self talk. This is the way of the world and it’s human nature. I believe that vulnerability can be used for purposes to help create understanding but also to make lives better because when we share our stories we help other people relate and not feel so alone. For years I sought understanding of others because I felt invisible. I felt like no matter what I said or did I was not seen and when I came across someone who could understand my past without judgment I felt known. The vulnerability of others helped shape me.


The state of mental health in the world right now it is very unsettled. That said, too many people are being fake as fuck when it comes to sharing who they are and being vulnerable. There is a strange movement happening and leaders are sharing things for the wrong reasons. I continually see people who are crying on camera about things that realistically probably don’t matter because they know that the right number of tears at the right time of day equals more likes, more followers, and more attention. I feel like this is very similar to the idea of chasing the Dragon and that dopamine hit is as powerful as any drug. Leveraging people's lives for likes is toxic vulnerability. If you are creating something to share with the world only for the purpose that it will create an emotional reaction so that you can gain traction then you are a part of the problem. We must create with purpose.


Someone recently told me that I am a role model. Those words have been sticking more than any other label anyone has given me. I believe that with that title it is my responsibility to fully step into that with pure authenticity and vulnerability. If you have 1 follower or ten million it's your responsibility to lead responsibly. Let's be the change we seek in the world. It's time for us to step up. #toxicvulnerability

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