Schools shutting down due to Corona virus and the impact of child abuse
Like many of you who follow me our homes were the scariest place we could be as children. School was our safe haven and oftentimes a place of refuge from the violence and abuse of our parents and guardians. As more schools are closing we have to remember to spread the message that no child should have to succumb to the ramifications of poor parental actions and adult who make decisions that not only scar but destroy children. We must protect each other and those that can't protect themselves are our most important asset. I'm posting this in the hope that a child who happens to see it knows that there is help if they need it. If you know someone in danger now is a time to step up even if that just means calling 911. We are stepping into unknown territory and I have a tremendous amount of fear for the children in homes without food and water, safety and security, and basic human rights as it is. Let's be better human beings in the face of what is to come. Even when we step through the Corona virus to the other side a lot of preventable damage we remember that right now is when we create change. My hope is that we can come together as a society of humans to protect each other and those that cannot protect themselves. #thinkunbroken