THINK UNBROKEN | CPTSD and Trauma Coach Podcast

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You Deserve to heal from childhood trauma and abuse

How to heal and overcome childhood trauma

We think that we don't deserve the good things and that we do deserve the bad things that happen in our lives.

Nothing in your life will be different until you accept one truth...

You will have to let go of the person you used to be to become the person you want to be.

We get caught up in the idea that "this is just who we are." When in fact, that is the most dangerous thing anyone can EVER say.

Life is linear, meaning that it has a start and an end. That is life and death. We begin, and we end. In between that, life is up and down, left and right, and most of the time, we don't know which.

And here is the problem with not knowing… we don't know that we don't know, and we think we are living how we should be living. If you get into the microscopic nuance of life, you will discover, if you are paying attention, that you lived based on the informed understanding of reality embedded in your past.


Now, let's be clear. No one, and I mean no one, deserves to be hurt as a child, to suffer abuse, be molested, raped, beaten, locked in closest, watch friends die, and have addict parents or people they love to be incarcerated.

The actions you take in your life are going to dictate what you do and do not deserve.

As a kid, I had straight F's and didn’t graduate High School. Eventually, the school gave me a diploma and said to get out. I deserved the pain of not graduating with my friend, being embarrassed, and carrying the truth that I chose that path.

I recently had a giant photo of me on a Times Square Billboard. I deserved that moment because of all the hard work and effort I have put into my life.

At some point, you will have to realize that you are in control of everything you do and do not deserve in your life based on YOUR actions and decisions and no one else.

I think, more importantly, the thing that you have to acknowledge is that it is OK to deserve the things that you earn. It is ok to have love, admiration, and pride in yourself. It's ok to say, “I did this!”

We are lied to and told to be quiet, humble, raise our hand to speak, be seen and not heard, don't be disruptive, and stay docile without pursuing our dreams.

That lie is killing us one by one.

I saw screw that. Go and be great. Chase your dreams. Live your life. Buck the system. Fight for what you believe in. Push yourself into the future you want.

And when you take the appropriate actions, connect with the right people, and push yourself into being ok with who you are, you will win.

You deserve everything you work for... and no one can take that from you!

I am launching a brand new private group coaching program limited to 20 people. If you are interested in joining comment YES below and I will DM you the info.